Truth About Depression

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Depression, or major depressive disorder, is one of the most common psychiatric conditions in the United States. Research shows that one out of four women may have depression during their life. However, while people struggling with depression often are simply told to “get over it,” or to “try harder,” the reality of this condition is far more complex, and requires a holistic treatment that takes into account every influencing factor.

If you find yourself struggling to engage in regular tasks like eating (or, alternatively, could start overeating), sleeping throughout most of the day (or struggling to sleep), or being unable to stay focused during work, school, or social functions, you may be experiencing depression. Depression that is ignored, judged, or stigmatized, without proper treatment, empathy, and understanding, can lead to symptoms worsening.

If you have depression, don’t be afraid to seek help. Treatment, if applied holistically, does help, and it’s been shown that almost 70 percent of people treated for depression will see improvement in their symptoms. Don’t wait, schedule a consultation today


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